Thursday, October 2, 2008

Debate for now.....

So as I'm watching the debate, I hear that both vice presidential candidates agree with backing Israel. Has everyone forgotten how Israel came to be in the Middle Eastern region?

So you basically decide that Palestine deserves to be kicked out of their land because most of the the western world believed that for the Jewish people: "Aw, the bad Europeans treated you badly, and you need a place to live". Doesn't anyone believe in Darwinism anymore? I feel very upset about this issue, only because bible pushers (yes, bible with a LOWER-CASE b) decide that Jewish people, who's ideals of the the story of creation and Jesus differ deserve this, and that anything coming out of the Middle East, is bad? I may be a drunk, but I am not ignorant. I know that the first thing that needs to happen is that the U.S. needs to take a stand of Laissez-faire SOMETIMES when it comes to foreign policy, unless you don't mind seeing you relatives die in suicide attacks. I have no relatives, so I don't give a shit.

Monday, September 1, 2008

My first foray into the "actual" blog world!

What makes someone write a blog? Is it the innermost loudmouth in us that wants to tell the world every little boring minute detail about us? Probably.

Is it the person that wants to uncover conspiracies and hope other follow suit? Maybe.

Is it the informed person who wishes to divulge information that is interesting and helpful for the advancement of the human world? A few.

Or is it just the basic need to be heard, and do it semi-anonymously? Most likely

I prefer: Boredom.

I won't dance around it. I'm bored. But the true reason I decided to do this, I was inspired. The information and intelligent rants of a friend (or should I say fellow blogger now) made me want to stand up (sit at computer) and write something meaningful to share with the world. Unfortunately, I have nothing to this moment. I will, and when I do, you will prbably hate me, laugh at or with me, or not give a shit. Whatever it is just fucking read it.

The most honest blog about nothing at all has just been finished. All you monkeys respect my gangster!

Pardon the page, I don't know shit about webpages.

United States of Anthony

A big dog with big blogs