Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I recently became a Knicks fan, due to my team of the Seattle Supersonics getting a name change and a new place to play (I mean REALLY? Oklahoma City?). Anyway, being a Knicks fan for the past few years has been difficult. As a Buffalo Bills fan, I'm used to losing. As a longtime Yankees fan, I know there is enough money in that payroll to make changes. Hell despite their records I believe the Nets were a better team. Anyway, I want Dwayne Wade here. NOT LEBRON. Not that I have anything against him, but I don't think he can handle NY emotionally. In Ohio he's a king. In NY he'll just be another high priced athlete. Once he has his first 4-21 shooting night with like 15 points the back page will read "LEBUM" and he will be in for the shock of his life. Mike D'Antoni is a terrible defensive coach but the Knicks should at least be able to make the playoffs with as much cap room  as they have. If not, I'll be VERY mad. VERY mad.

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