Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Growing up in New York I remember the now retired Dave Meggett. Running back for the New York Giants during their 1990 Superbowl win against my beloved Buffalo Bills, and then he popped up in the AFC East, as a direct rival rival and member of the hated New England Patriots and later the New York Jets. Now by no means was he a big name, as his numbers were pretty pedestrian. I mean, some of these guys now rack up his career numbers in a season. Either way, he always played for a rival, so of course I hated his guts.

Now that I've vented,  seems Mr. Meggett has another hobby besides football. hey kids, can you say serial sexual assault? Well I can, and as indicated in this ESPN article here, he has been convicted of said crime and burglary and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Talk about doin football numbers.....hehehehe.

What is my opinion? This is nothing new. At the end of the day athletes are human, just like the rest of us. Pete Rose bet on baseball, Michael Jordan had a gambling issues, and as warm and cuddly Shaquille O'Neal is, he did cheat on his wife with "Superhead" and is now dating a reality TV whore. While this will be a small blip on the Sportcenter radar which will probably get about 29 seconds of coverage, us New Yorkers cling to the memories of the men who have worn the garb of our sports teams. Either way, If no one else cares about this story, I do. 

And as of right now I am laughing so fucking hard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good for your ass. You have a history of doing it fool? You got caught once you thought you could beat the system again? OJ can't, and you thought YOU could? HAHAHAHAHAHA Take that Giants fans. yeah I'm immature. So sue me.